quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2015

Korean Movie: The Cat

Hello peoples, WHO IS BACK?
Yeah, eu voltei. Gente primeiramente eu gostaria de me desculpar, eu não estive postando pq eu passei um tempinho doente, e então não tive tempo de postar!!!

Mas... Chega de desculpas... Eu vim aqui para falar do filme que eu assisti semana passada com minha BBF, The Cat....... Mwahahahahahahahahah

Nome: The Cat
Gênero: Terror
País de Origem: Coreia do Sul
Lançamento: 2011
Tempo de Duração: 106 min

So-Yeon sofre de claustrofobia, devido a um incidente traumático que ocorreu a ela quando criança.
Ela trabalha em um pet shop, um dia um gato chamado Bidanyi entra na loja, no dia seguinte, a proprietária do Bidanyi é encontrada morta em um elevador.
So-Yeon, por solicitação do policial Joon-Suk, leva o gato para casa, pouco mais tarde, So-Yeon começa a ver um espírito de uma menina.
Sua amiga depois de adotar um gato também é assombrada por um espírito, So-Yeon agora teme pela própria vida e por isso começa a investigar mais profundamente o que há por trás desses gatos amaldiçoado.    Elenco
Park Min-Young como  So-Yeon

Kim Ye-Ron como Hee Jin
 Kim Dong Wook como Joon Suk

       3 motivos para assistir The Cat

#Dose de Terror : Para uma amante de filme de terror como eu, para alguns filmes não existe motivo para eu simplesmente não amar um BOM filme de terror (porque tem uns filmes ai que deus que me perdoe, da vontade de rir e não de gritar)Mas uma dica da Tia Sekai: Se vc for cardíaco, por favor não assiste esse filme, porque eu vários VÁRIOS momentos vc leva sustos (minha bbf que o diga né amiga?)
Nossa amiga!!!!! Que cheiro gostoso do seu cabelo... :) :) Que Shampoo vc usa? Me fala AGORA.....
Neko-san?? É vc?

#Personages Irritantes  Por incrivel que pareça esse filme de terror não tem aquela personagem principal irritante, pelo ao contrario muitas vezes vc quer estar lá para ajudar ela a resolver esse mistério e acabar de uma vez com o sofrimento da coitada.
Mas em compensação os secundários eu mesma se a menina demonio não tivesse matado eles eu teria matado, pq vou te contar hein, O PESSOAS IRRITANTES.

E com isso temos:
Home | News Blog | RSS Most wanted | Updates Movies & dramas Search | Shuffle Box Office | Reviews Actresses & actors Search | Shuffle Korean companies Pictures | Quiz Videos | Episodes DVDs & more Community Rewards | Games QOTD | Links New episodes|Watch dramas here or onWatch Korean dramas on Dramafever [back] Back [HanCinema's Film Review] In Defense of "The Cat" 2011/10/29 | 3023 views | 8 Comments | Permalink Learn to read Korean in 90 minutes or less using visual associations 7 6 0 0 1 14 Byeon Seung-wook's "The Cat" has been misjudged and misunderstood. Before writing this I came across a number of reviews citing numerous issues they had with the film. These criticisms largely stemmed from examining the film as strictly a 'horror' film and how the conventions of the genre weren't well executed within it. In addition, "The Cat" was seen to contain poor tonal and thematic motifs, impotently embossing its narrative with soft-core techniques and themes that resulted in nothing more than an average viewing experience. This displeased me because my initial reaction to the film was very positive. After some thought and reflection on the film, I began to formulate some of reasons I found this film to be not only entertaining but thought provoking as well. Now, before I dive into some of the reasons I found this film to be well above average, lets look at the basic story here. Park Min-yeong makes her film debut as So-hee, a good-natured cat-lover who is tormented by a traumatic childhood experience. She suffers from chronic claustrophobia as she lives in constant fear that, if left in an enclosed space, some imminent danger will engulf her. So-hee works with an eccentric gentleman as a pet groomer. When her latest client is mysteriously murdered, she takes on the responsibility of caring for her cat "Silky". However the cat seems to come with some unwanted baggage in the form of a disturbing little girl (Hee-jin played by Kim Ye-ron) who haunts her from there on out. The mystery, at least initially, is discovering the link between the cat, the young girl, our protagonist, and the deaths surrounding them. But once that link is chained the film undergoes a subtitle shift as the mystery gives way to film's primary focus, that of visual expressing our protagonist's psychological journey of healing. "The Cat" may make use of some horror conventions but if that mind-set is continued throughout, the film will no doubt appear to fall short in many areas. The "mystery" of events will then result in the climax of the film being misinterpreted and seem almost obvious and unbecoming of true horror. South Korean films have always appeared to me to have issue with genre, and "The Cat" is no exception. I feel that a lot of the negative feedback the film has received has been unjustly dished out as a result. The viewer may be primed with a generic expectation that some may not be willing to surrender when the film modifies its course. A horror film it is not, at least not when considered in the traditional sense. If I had to force a category onto "The Cat", I think it would better be appreciated as a psychological fear film. I don't mean to debate semantics here but the criticisms the film has received seem so off the mark that I think such a distinction is necessary. Our protagonist suffers with both internal (her claustrophobia) and external (the child ghost) conflict and the degree to which they are connected is vital in understanding the film in its entirety. As the film progresses, the distance between So-hee psychological condition and the real-world events that follow her continues to narrow. There is a huge gap between her being attack by a ghostly figure under her bed to her embracing the deceased girl within a confined space at the end. This is where the film works its magic, through the thematic pairing of So-hee and the little girl, the filmmakers have work into the mechanics of the piece a link between them that is mutual inclusive as their conflicts become simultaneously resolved. So-hee suffered a trauma when she was a little girl and it is now a little girl who haunts her. Her resolve to discover the truth behind Hee-jin and her hauntings is one that serves a dual purpose. The first is the most noticeable, to resolve the story behind the ghost that can't move on. The second is that all though it is Hee-jin who can't move on, it is So-hee who is struggling to move forward. Their fates are entwined and the filmmakers have laid the groundwork for that synergy, weaving it into both the narrative and the overall tone of the film. Read more at: http://tr.im/Z1LB8

Home | News Blog | RSS Most wanted | Updates Movies & dramas Search | Shuffle Box Office | Reviews Actresses & actors Search | Shuffle Korean companies Pictures | Quiz Videos | Episodes DVDs & more Community Rewards | Games QOTD | Links New episodes|Watch dramas here or onWatch Korean dramas on Dramafever [back] Back [HanCinema's Film Review] In Defense of "The Cat" 2011/10/29 | 3023 views | 8 Comments | Permalink Learn to read Korean in 90 minutes or less using visual associations 7 6 0 0 1 14 Byeon Seung-wook's "The Cat" has been misjudged and misunderstood. Before writing this I came across a number of reviews citing numerous issues they had with the film. These criticisms largely stemmed from examining the film as strictly a 'horror' film and how the conventions of the genre weren't well executed within it. In addition, "The Cat" was seen to contain poor tonal and thematic motifs, impotently embossing its narrative with soft-core techniques and themes that resulted in nothing more than an average viewing experience. This displeased me because my initial reaction to the film was very positive. After some thought and reflection on the film, I began to formulate some of reasons I found this film to be not only entertaining but thought provoking as well. Now, before I dive into some of the reasons I found this film to be well above average, lets look at the basic story here. Park Min-yeong makes her film debut as So-hee, a good-natured cat-lover who is tormented by a traumatic childhood experience. She suffers from chronic claustrophobia as she lives in constant fear that, if left in an enclosed space, some imminent danger will engulf her. So-hee works with an eccentric gentleman as a pet groomer. When her latest client is mysteriously murdered, she takes on the responsibility of caring for her cat "Silky". However the cat seems to come with some unwanted baggage in the form of a disturbing little girl (Hee-jin played by Kim Ye-ron) who haunts her from there on out. The mystery, at least initially, is discovering the link between the cat, the young girl, our protagonist, and the deaths surrounding them. But once that link is chained the film undergoes a subtitle shift as the mystery gives way to film's primary focus, that of visual expressing our protagonist's psychological journey of healing. "The Cat" may make use of some horror conventions but if that mind-set is continued throughout, the film will no doubt appear to fall short in many areas. The "mystery" of events will then result in the climax of the film being misinterpreted and seem almost obvious and unbecoming of true horror. South Korean films have always appeared to me to have issue with genre, and "The Cat" is no exception. I feel that a lot of the negative feedback the film has received has been unjustly dished out as a result. The viewer may be primed with a generic expectation that some may not be willing to surrender when the film modifies its course. A horror film it is not, at least not when considered in the traditional sense. If I had to force a category onto "The Cat", I think it would better be appreciated as a psychological fear film. I don't mean to debate semantics here but the criticisms the film has received seem so off the mark that I think such a distinction is necessary. Our protagonist suffers with both internal (her claustrophobia) and external (the child ghost) conflict and the degree to which they are connected is vital in understanding the film in its entirety. As the film progresses, the distance between So-hee psychological condition and the real-world events that follow her continues to narrow. There is a huge gap between her being attack by a ghostly figure under her bed to her embracing the deceased girl within a confined space at the end. This is where the film works its magic, through the thematic pairing of So-hee and the little girl, the filmmakers have work into the mechanics of the piece a link between them that is mutual inclusive as their conflicts become simultaneously resolved. So-hee suffered a trauma when she was a little girl and it is now a little girl who haunts her. Her resolve to discover the truth behind Hee-jin and her hauntings is one that serves a dual purpose. The first is the most noticeable, to resolve the story behind the ghost that can't move on. The second is that all though it is Hee-jin who can't move on, it is So-hee who is struggling to move forward. Their fates are entwinedhttp://tr.im/Z1LB8
A BBF iritante..
O boy magia irritante

Ainda tem o Chef Viadon irritante, e a Mulher gordenha irritante (Sorry não achei imagens)

#Historia cativante :  Por mais que vc ame filme de terror (assim como eu) as vezes não dá para simplesmente fechar os olhos e falar que todo filme de terror é vbom pq não é bem assim que acontece. Tem algumas histórias que começa em Narnia e termina no Reino de My little Poney (Zueiras a parte). Mas realmente tem uma historenhas por ae que não tem nexo nenhum.. e vc fica meio que.... WHAT???!!!???

 Mas... Essa historia até que tem um pouco de nexo sim...SPOILLER (Nota: Todos os filme que a gente assistiu naquele final de semana, tinha crianças demoniacas). Tem uma linha de pensamento, que se vc não faz mal para ninguem vc não será machucado, mas ou menos assim, e para mim que sou defendora dos animais, isso é mais do que justo, só que esse filme levou ao extremo......#MEDO


 Então pessoinhas, é o seguinte...... Eu achei esse filme, TOP, mas não aquele top da balada que vc fica com medo por uns par de dia, NO......

 Mas, o filme é legalzinho e certas partes vc tem vontate de fazer isso com a falsiane da sua sala (Não adianta falar que não pq eu sei que sim)... Mas enfim , aprendemos tb nesse Ep, que gatos são animais vingativos, Cuidado!!!

E também que se vc não faz nada de errado, nada de errado vai acontecer com vc... Fica a dica!! *-*

Então fica a minha dica de filme, agora é só vc juntar os BFF, e estourar a pipoquenha.... Bjinhos da Tia Sekai... BYEEE